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1. Overview

This series of Deconstruction Contoso Real Estate Learn labs will help you get an intuitive sense for how to design, develop, deploy, and deliver, an enterprise-grade serverless solution with Azure. In particular, we focus on the end-to-end developer experience with emphasis on a workflow that contains the following phases:

  • Design - understanding the application specification & selecting the right architecture
  • Development - prioritizing the scenarios to build & selecting the right tools and services
  • Deployment - provisioning the required resources on Azure & streamlining the CI/CD process
  • Delivery - implementing a test automation strategy & monitoring for insights and optimizations


  • Understanding of web development and cloud computing concepts
  • Familiarity with Node.js ecosystem and tools
  • Familiarity with Visual Studio Code ecosystem and extensions
  • A GitHub account and familiarity with GitHub usage
  • An Azure account and active subscription (optional)